Character Mugen Stages Hi-res

  1. Hi Res Mugen Download
  2. Stage Mugen

M.u.g.e.N Coruscation Version 1.0 This is my second screenpack. Installer idm download for pc. Lots of motion and lots of sparkles.

Title screen is based off a Shinobi 3 stage. The versus screen is based off the Mother Brain battle from Phantasy Star II. There are 8 total portraits that fade in/out in the select screen background. What this is:. Barebones screenpack with hi-res select screen. Several custom fonts (including replacement system fonts), MvC system sounds, and background mp3 are included. Requirements:.

Windows Mugen 'PLUS' which allows to use BOTH hi-res and low-res stages as well as hi-res character select screens in screenpacks. To Download: Go to Choose Download Mugen, and then select Windows Mugen Plus.

Hi Res Mugen Download


Stage Mugen

Click on thumbnails for full view: Other screens (low-res): Other portraits (Example #1): Other portraits (Example #2): to download the screenpack or to access main website. Mini-Stage Bonus Update: (click on thumbnail) I normally do not code low-res stages, however, if you want to play with a mini-bonus stage based off the vs screen, here's how: Save the following as a.def file called motherbrain.def. Great, using it already. Just not digging some things: - Chun-Li portrait next to Ryu's makes the first two portraits shown have approximately the same color (Ryu, Kyo, Chun, Mai would look more varied, even if it broke your one game at a time reasoning) - Having only one main menu item visible at a time. Easy to adjust to one's preference, though - Using each mode's name as a single character in the font makes customizing menu names impossible (considering actually taking time as impossible ) Edit: Looks better with p2.cursor.blink disabled And I rather have 'move over empty spaces' enabled, but since all it takes me is editing one number, it's fine.

Character Character. It is not uncommon for hi-res stages to use a localcoord instead. Retrieved from '