Patch 2.300 To 2.301

This release of Strategic Finance is provided only in English in correlation with the English only Smart. Patch Description: Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts v2.300 - 2.301 English Patch This patch updates Company of Heroes from v2.300 to v2.301, it adds gameplay tweaks, bug fixes, improved multiplayer experience and more. Description: Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts v2.300 - 2.301 English Patch This patch updates Company of Heroes from v2.300 to v2.301, it adds gameplay tweaks, bug fixes, improved multiplayer experience and more.

DRDB: NSCAPCD 2-2-300 PROCEDURES NORTHERN SONOMA COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT 2-300 PROCEDURES 2-301 Open Burning - Agricultural Classifications Within the limitations of 2-400, open outdoor fires may be allowed for the disposal of approved combustibles only on permissive burn days in the following agricultural operations, as defined in Section 2-200. 301.1 Agricultural in the growing of crops or raising of fowl or animals.


301.2 Range improvement to remove unwanted vegetation for wildlife, game or livestock habitat or establish an agricultural practice. 301.3 Forest management to remove forest debris. 301.4 Wildlife Management by the use of range improvement burning to enhance wildlife or game habitat. (See 2-401.9) 301.5 Wildland Vegetation Management by the use of prescribed burning. The procedures as identified in section 2-401.13 shall apply to all burning which meets the definition of wildland vegetation management burning regardless of whether such burning also meets another definition in Section 2-200.

Round 2 300 To The Nearest 100

2-302 Open Burning - Non-Agricultural Classification Within the limitations of 2-400 open outdoor fires may be allowed only for the disposal of approved combustibles only on permissive burn days in the following non-agricultural operations. 302.1 Single or two-family dwellings: for the disposal of approved combustibles burned on the property where generated. This category is not restricted to permissive burn days, except in the following areas: The Humboldt Bay Air Basin (Appendix A) The Ukiah-Little Lake Air Basin (Appendix B) The Northern Sonoma County Air Pollution Control District (Appendix C) 302.2 Property Development for the disposal of wood waste from trees, vines, or brush on the property where grown and which is being developed for commercial or residential purposes. (41802 H & S) Each proposed burn under this classification must be approved by the District Board, or where delegated, the air pollution control officer, after consideration of the amount of waste to be burned, the season of the year, the ambient air quality, proximity of waste to developed areas or such other or additional criteria as the District Board or air pollution control officer may establish. Such approval shall be in the form of a permit issued by the District air pollution control officer and such permit shall allow burning only on permissive burn days. (41804 H & S) 302.3 Fire Hazard Reduction for the disposal of brush cuttings resulting from brush clearance done in compliance with state and local ordinances specifically to reduce a potential fire hazard on the property where grown.

(41802 H & S Code) Each proposed burn under this classification must be approved by the District Board, or where delegated, the air pollution control officer, after consideration of the amount of waste to be burned, the season of the year, the ambient air quality, proximity of waste to developed areas or such other or additional criteria as the District Board or air pollution control officer may establish. Such approval shall be in the form of a permit issued by the District air pollution control officer and such permit shall allow burning only on permissive burn days. (41804 H & S) 302.4 Right-of-way Clearing by a public entity or a utility. 302.5 Levee,Reservoir and Ditch maintenance. 2-303 Burn Day Determination 303.1 Information as to whether a day is a permissive burn day or a no-burn day will be available from the designated agencies listed under 2-305 of this regulation, and will be transmitted to the general public by announcement over local radio and television stations. 24-hour burn conditions may be obtained by phoning: North Coast Unified (707) 443-3091 Mendocino County (707) 468-4391 Northern Sonoma County (707) 565-2876 303.2 Burn day determinations will be made covering the entire California North Coast Air Basin; however, more restrictive conditions may be specified by a District for localized problem areas.

303.3 Upon requests from a permittee through a designated agency, seven days in advance of a specific range improvement, forest management, or wildland vegetation management burn at any elevation below 6,000 feet (msl), a permissive-burn or no-burn notice will be issued by the ARB up to 48 hours prior to the date scheduled for the burn. Without further request, a daily notice will continue to be issued until a permissive-burn notice is issued. 303.4 A permissive-burn or no-burn advisory outlook will be available up to 72 hours in advance of burns specified in 303.3. 303.5 The ARB or the District may cancel permissive-burn notices that have been issued more than 24 hours in advance if the cancellation is necessary to maintain suitable air quality.

2-304 Burning Permits 304.1 Permits are required as follows: 304.1.01 Agricultural Burning - permits are required and issued by the appropriate designated agency listed in 2-305. 304.1.02 Single and two-family dwellings - permit requirements of the fire control agency having jurisdiction in the area of the burn must be met for the burning of approved combustibles on the property. Air Pollution Control permits for this classification are also required in the Northern Sonoma County Air Pollution Control District. 304.1.03 Property Development - permits are required from the District for the disposal of brush clearance when done on the property where grown.

Fire control agency permit requirements must also be met. 304.1.04 Fire Hazard Reduction - permits are required from the District for the disposal of brush cuttings resulting from brush clearance done in compliance with local ordinances to reduce fire hazard on the property where grown. Fire Control Agency permit requirements must also be met. (41802 H & S Code) NOTE: District permits are pre-empted from the requirements of this regulation for the abatement of an imminent fire hazard as defined in 2-207.1 and pursuant to Section 13055 H & S Code.

Patch 2.300 To 2.301

304.1.05 Right-of-Way Clearing, Ditch, Levee and Reservoir Maintenance - a permit may be required from the District (check with the appropriate District). Permit requirements of the fire control agency having jurisdiction in the area of the burn must also be met.

304.2 Each applicant for an agricultural burning permit in accordance with Section 2-301 of this regulation shall supply such additional information as is required by the California Air Resources Board or the District. 304.3 Permits issued for agricultural burning shall bear a statement of warning containing the following words or words of similar import. 'This permit is valid only on those days during which agricultural burning is not prohibited by the California Air Resources Board or the District pursuant to Section 41855 of the Health and Safety Code.' 2-304 Burning Permits 304.4 Range improvement burning may be conducted by permit from a designated agency on no-burn days during the period between January 1 and May 31, providing that more than 50% of the land has been brush treated. In the Northern Sonoma County APCD burning under this category may only be conducted by permit on a permissive burn day.

The Air Resources Board may prohibit burning during this period if in the opinion of the Board, such prohibition is required for the maintenance of suitable air quality. 304.4.01 If the burn is to be done primarily for the improvement of land for wildlife or game habitat, the Department of Fish and Game may specify the amount of brush treatment required. 304.5 Special permits for agricultural burning on no-burn days may be issued by the District if denial of such permit would threaten imminent and substantial economic loss. In authorizing such burning each district of the North Coast Air Basin shall establish limits as to the amount of acreage or tonnage which can be burned on no burn days.

Such burning shall be denied if the ambient air quality standards of metropolitan areas downwind of the burning are forecasted by the Air Resources Board to be exceeded. 2-305 Agricultural burning permits are issued ONLY by the following designated agencies as approved by the ARB, within their areas of jurisdiction: United States Forest Service California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection United States Bureau of Indian Affairs Arcata Fire Department Eureka Fire Department Humboldt Fire District No.

V2.301 Online - Resolved a game arbitration issue when the game resulted in a sync error. Fixes - Fixed World Builder to export correctly. All custom maps should now save correctly. Be sure to re-save your custom maps to carry over these properties. Updated save game version. Save games previous to 2.300 will not be compatible with the current version of Company of Heroes.


Fixed a bug that allowed the player to teleport garrisoned troops. -dev mode has been re-enabled. Gameplay - British Bren carriers and Bren gunners will no longer be able to button Flakvierlings, 88s, AT guns, Howitzers. Strafing run has been tuned.

US M8 Greyhound and Wehrmacht SdKfz 234 Armoured cars have had their target accuracy modifiers reduced from 0.73 and 0.82 respectively to.9. US M8 Greyhound and SdKfz 234 Armoured Cars moving accuracy modifiers changed from 0.6 to 0.8. Light vehicle received accuracy modifier on light engine damage critical changed from 1.25 to 1.35. Sniper detection radius reduced from 3m to 1m. Panzer Elite Defensive Veterancy Vehicle modifiers tuned at vet levels 2 and 3. Received accuracy and damage modifiers reduced, health maximum modifiers reduced.

Panzer Elite 222 Armoured cars have their health bonus at Vet 1 reduced from 30 to 15. Maps Changes - Several map weather settings have been tuned. The Scheldt - Two bridges to centre island replaced with land bridges. Hochwald Gap - Tweaked territory near bridge crossings, widened bridge crossings from each base, removed a large number of fx markers. Mere Dumont - several buildings replaced so window facings are more equitable between north and south facing. Mere Dumont - moved some fuel points to prevent them from being captured on the wrong side of a wall. Wrecked Train - cleared some debris from the center of the map - Wrecked Train - removed some tank traps blocking access to one of the fuel points - Langres - Moved one of the strategic points slightly.

Rebalanced VP locations slightly so that both have equal coverage from defensive buildings. Beaux Lowlands - Updated to 3 VPs - Beaux Lowlands - replaced high munition point with strategic point. Windows 95 img dosbox win. Sturzdorf - bottom player has one extra ramp up to the high fuel area. Minor pathing changes to Linden to enable Kettens to capture a point. Verriers Ridge - added version of map with no repairable bunkers (playable with Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts). Plus: Some console changes that we will provide more information about when the patch goes live.