Fhm Ladies Confessions Celebrity Diaries
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FHM Ladies’ Confessions presents Celebrity Diaries Vol. Click for more photos. In this year’s Celebrity Diaries by men’s magazine FHM, 11 sizzling ladies confess their most shocking, sexy stories and fantasies, where 'they confess their most unladylike of deeds in the spirit of good fun,' says project director Alex Paita in his introduction to the issue. Survivor Celebrity Showdown finalist Aubrey Miles leads the pack of fierce and foxy ladies, which includes Ornusa Cadness, Janna Dominguez, Jacq Yu, Jen Rosendahl, Gabriela Milagre, Alyssa Alano, Khai Lim, Jem Milton, Mercedes Cabral, and Xaviera. Grab a copy of FHM Ladies’ Confessions presents Celebrity Diaries for the full scoop. The issue is now available in newsstands, bookstores, and supermarkets nationwide. Photos courtesy of FHM. Tell us your #feels!
Fhm Ladies Confession 2016
Fhm Ladies Confessions Stories
Get your digital copy of FHM Philippines Magazine - FHM Ladies' Confessions Volume 7 issue on Magzter and enjoy reading it on iPad, iPhone, Android devices and the web. This is why we always make it a point to chummy up with celebrities—you never know when they're finally ready to spill the beans on their private lives! For the third outing of this annual collectors' edition, we figured it's your favorite FHM Babes' turn inside the confession room. FHM Ladies' Confessions Volume 3.