Sftp Net Drive
エクセルソフト: SFTP Net Drive は、SFTP プロトコルを使用して、Web 経由でリモート ディスクにアクセスし、マシン上の.
SFTP protocol works as part of SSH and provides an encrypted channel for file upload and download and also for remote file and directory operations (such as create and delete directories, move and rename files etc). SFTP Net Drive creates a virtual drive with a drive letter) on your computer, so any application that works with files can directly access remote files via this drive letter. You can even run applications, stored on remote disk, locally. SFTP Net Drive is based on SFTP client component which is part of SecureBlackbox security suite.
General. Added new TElSymmetricKeyMaterial.DeriveKey. overloads that allows you to change the HMAC algorithm for PKCS5v2 derivation function. Added the TElSolidFileSystemAdapter to Java and.NET (4.6 and Xamarin) Editions for compatibility with. Update the TElSolidFileSystemAdapter to work with the latest changes in Callback Technologies CBFS Storage. OfficeBlackbox. Added AES-128/192/256 and SHA-256 algorithms support for the OpenOffice encryption handler.
Added the TElOpenOfficeEncryptionHandler.StartKeyGenerationAlgorithm property that allows you to specify the algorithm used to generate a start key from the user password. HTTPBlackbox.
Improved handling of incoming streams with both content and transfer encodings applied. CloudBlackbox. Updated the OneDrive component to not require 'directory.read.all' permission if a group's drives are not used.
All VCL Editions. Added ability to create Linux applications. PKIBlackbox. Added support for EdDSA algorithms (Ed25519 and Ed448) to the built-in cryptoprovider.
Added support for SHAKE-128/256 extendable output functions (XOF) to the TElHashFunction class. Updated the SBB PKCS#12 implementation to improve PFX compatibility with Java 1.8.0144. SSHBlackbox. Added support for the new OpenSSH private keys format.
SSLBlackbox. Improved tolerance to TLS servers requiring the use of specific hash algorithms in the client certificate verification message. SAMLBlackbox. Updated the TElSAMLIdentityProvider component to simplify integration with Microsoft services (Office 365, etc.).
General. Added overloaded constructors to TElStringList and TElStringTokenizer that let you pass the source string as a parameter.
Sftp Net Drive Free
Updated the DNS resolving mechanism to use the system function in the case that the built in DNS client fails. Updated randomizer functionality by seeding from more points in code and leveraging secure system PRNGs. ZIPBlackbox.
Added new TElZipWriter.Add method overload that checks if an archive entry was added, updated, etc. Depending on TElZipWriter options. Added support for custom timestamps in ZIP archive entries, improving interoperability. PDFBlackbox. Added TElPDFFileAttachment.AssociatedFilePDFObject, AssociatedFileRelationship, and AssociatedFileRelationshipName properties that may be needed to keep PDF/A compliance for a document when a new attachment is added. PKIBlackbox. Made TElX509CertificateValidator more tolerant to loops in certificate chains.
Improved processing of CRLs with certain informational fields omitted. SSHBlackbox. Improved tolerance to padding attacks. VCL Edition 200+ native VCL components and classes for digital security and secure data transfer Highly integrated and blazingly fast native Delphi (Pascal) components for building native Windows, Linux, and macOS applications. All components are native Delphi, have no third-party binaries or references, and no reliance on Windows CryptoAPI. Also includes Delphi components for building Android and iOS apps. Supported Platforms.
Delphi (from Delphi 5 to Delphi 10.2 Tokyo for Windows and macOS). CBuilder (from C Builder 2007 to 10.2 Tokyo for 32-bit Windows). FreePascal 3.0.4/3.0.5 for Win32, Win64, Linux/x86, Linux/x64, macOS, and iOS Supported Platforms for Mobile Development. Delphi 10.2 Tokyo (Android and iOS). Delphi 10.1 Berlin (Android and iOS). Nokia bb5 flash tool. Delphi 10 Seattle (Android and iOS).
Delphi XE5 - XE8 (Android and iOS). Delphi XE4 (iOS) The VCL Edition works on any computer with Windows XP and later, with Linux kernel 2.6 and later, with macOS 10.6 and later, and on iOS 5 and later. C Edition Comprehensive C components for digital security and secure data transfer A shared library (.dll on Windows and.so on Linux / macOS) and set of C classes. Used in C applications for Windows, Linux, macOS, and iOS platforms. Supported compilers include Visual C, MinGW, gcc, and Xcode. Supported platforms (both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the library are available).
Visual C 2015, 2013, 2012, 2010, 2008. minGW. GCC on Linux and macOS. XCode on macOS The C Edition works on any computer with Windows XP SP3 and later, on systems with Linux / x86 and Linux / x64, on macOS / Intel (10.6 and later), and on iOS 5 and later.