Pcsc Reader Serial Number
I examined a bit more this SCardGetAttrib, doc and source on the web. It still seems that for SCardGetAttrib I have to get hCardHandle. It doesn't make sense to pass NULL to SCardGetAttrib as hCardHandle. You somehow have to define which cardreaders attributes you want to get. By using SCardGetAtrrib this reader is accessed through CardHandle. I also tried to find IFD handle for win, but without success. In PCSC-Lite these attributes are accessed by using IFDHGetCapabilities.
How to find the device instance id of a PCSC reader. For example, the serial number sounds like a good candidate, but not all manufacturers use it. I have a problem with getting PCSC reader serial number if card is not present in the reader. I am using winscard.dll and c++. The following code will work only for.
– Aug 8 '11 at 8:59. Browsed the API a bit more.
It appears that, unless you can figure out a way to get a dummy card to pass in, you're going to have to have a card present to get the device name. Their API basically tries to cram too much into one function call.
Foxit Reader Serial Number
Maybe you could restructure your program to require this during an initialization routine. Some CD ripping software does similar things (requires a CD to be placed in the drive during setup to determine capabilities of the drive). Or if you can use PCSC-Lite on your platform.
Serial Number Reader
– Aug 8 '11 at 18:54. Winamp for windows 8 64 bit.