Game Power Girl
Given Power Girl is now part of the mobile game 'DC Legends' thought I'd create a thread for how the game works and how to acquire new heroes. The good news for Power Girl fans is getting Power Girl is simply patience and logging in every day. You acquire tokens to get and increase class level of heroes. Based on the January calendar should be able to get Power Girl this week or next depending on when you start playing.
The entirety of the Palmiotti/Grey/Conner run is contained in Power Girl: Power Trip. Power Girl appears in the DC Universe Online video game. Play Power Games made just for girls! New Power Games are added every week.
The game is fairly straight forward, uses a rock vs. Scissors style of combat along with leveling. You get player experience for battles increasing level caps, you can then level up heroes using exp. Items level modifiers (DEF, STR, etc.) as well as various abilities or attacks.
Game Power Rangers Super Megaforce
There is a base story mode, a harder heroic path, an endurance mode, and a PvP mode (have yet to do). If you want to grind quick play easy levels and set on auto.
I wouldn't do this on harder levels because AI will not be as smart as you selecting moves. Over all, i rate this game as pretty good. It's free, but has all those timer and 'buy tokens!' Type traps that can bother people. I'm not worried, just want to get Power Girl and few other characters and have fun given no major DC console game seems to be in the works.
Item 1 - Starrware Industries Business Card Item 2 - Vacation Photo with Helena Item 3 - Vartox's Teleportation Ring Item 4 - Postcard from Harley Item 5 - Earth-2 Supergirl Suit Item 6 - JSA ID Card Power 1 - Power Punch (Standard Damage Attack) Power 2 - Solar Charge (Taunt, Increase Strength) Power 3. Zor-L Slam (Damage All Enemies, Ignore Shields) Power 4. You're Dealing With Me! (If Damaged, gain strength and speed) Power 5. Earth-2 Survivor (Chance to have Death Immunity, Increase Odds as you level).
Game Power Ranger
I have yet to acquire these Powers. Item 1 - Starrware Industries Business Card Item 2 - Vacation Photo with Helena Item 3 - Vartox's Teleportation Ring Item 4 - Postcard from Harley Item 5 - Earth-2 Supergirl Suit Item 6 - JSA ID Card Power 1 - Power Punch (Standard Damage Attack) Power 2 - Solar Charge (Taunt, Increase Strength) Power 3. Zor-L Slam (Damage All Enemies, Ignore Shields) Power 4. You're Dealing With Me!
Game Power Rangers Super Samurai
(If Damaged, gain strength and speed) Power 5. Earth-2 Survivor (Chance to have Death Immunity, Increase Odds as you level). I have yet to acquire these Powers Interesting, so she seems to be a combo of nu52 Power Girl with classic Power Girl, from the items she has. Nice bit about the costume change at level 5.