Dwg Trueview 2014 64 Bit
Hi I have failed to find how to log a request direct to AutoDesk so will try here. Our Setup AutoCAD 2013 AutoCAD Raster Design 2013 DWG Trueview 2013/14 A lot of the time we work with hybrid drawings and a common problem we would get is AutoCAD Raster design could not save the hybrid drawing and would create a temp file. Nobody could work this out but I have discovered the problem.
Download autodesk dwg trueview 2014 64 bit - Autodesk DWG TrueView (64 bit) 2014: A Diagnostic Tool For Your Wi-Fi Network, and much more programs.
If a CAD/Hybrid drawing is being viewed by someone through DWG Trueview and another user is editing that some drawing in AutoCAD and trying to save the hybrid image autodesk will not allow this due to someone viewing the same drawing in DWG Trueview. I have tried and tested this theory many times and it is the cause of the problem. If the user viewing in DWG Trueview closes the drawing and the user in Autodesk trys saving the hybrid drawing all works fine. Any AutoDesk people out there know of this issue? Are there solutions? Why does this happen since DWG trueview is a read only program?
Dwg Trueview 2015 64 Bit
Are there any solutions (and no I we cant find the person viewing the drawing each time as there are hundreds of users.) thanks Simon. Hi A hybrid (or Raster) drawing is a drawing that has been scanned into an electronic format so to make it editable.
Could of been drawing by hand and scanned into an electronic format for editing. Most of our files start with a prefix of.cal then we convert the to a file ext.
Of.gp4 These files are attahced to the.dwg file and open with opening the.dwg file. AutoCAD Raster Design is the add-on program that gives you the tools to edit these files. See attachments for a screen shot of a CAD-Hybrid drawing (easy to tell the CAD from the hybrid) and another of the tile structure.