Bfme Elvenstar Mod 5.8
Get the THE BATTLE FOR MIDDLE-EARTH - ELVENSTAR MOD right here, right now! THE BATTLE FOR MIDDLE-EARTH - ELVENSTAR MOD. How to uninstall Elvenstar Mod Version 5.8 by Elvenstar Team? Learn how to remove Elvenstar Mod Version 5.8 from your computer. Here's the latest version of the Elvenstar Mod, with this Mod you have a complete new Version of Battle for Middle-earth.
This mod will add an Elven Faction to your Battle for Middle-Earth game while also making various changes to the other factions. New heroes include Galadriel, Elrond, Haldir, Gamling, and Gothmog; Spearmen of the Havens, Mirkwood Scouts, and Riders of Rivendell are among the new units. A few changes will be made to the campaign for the initial release, with greater plans for later versions.
While this mod will not add anything terribly revolutionary in terms of gameplay, it does offer some of the most high-quality skins you'll find in any Battle for Middle-Earth mod. The Elves will also offer new strategies for cavalry, stealth, and sieges. Where now the horse and the rider. Where is the horn that was blowing. Here it is, the latest version of The Elven Alliance. This update features the many changes made to Rohan since the last release, as well as all the new models and skins for other factions featured in updates. A full list of additions, changes, fixes, and bugs can be found.
A few things of note: -you do NOT need the original release installed to install the update -if you already have the original installed, this will replace the older version -PLEASE read through the installer. It includes Installation Troubleshooting as well as important terms of use information -if you're still having problems after reading everything included in the installer, make a post in the forums, and I'll do my best to help you out.
Elvenstar Stables
5.8 is worse imo, I don't have it. You also need the Mod 5.5 to install the Mod 5.7 or 5.8, but I have no link for this. And to 6.0: Always in the middle of a game you get a Debug for some reason. I would play 5.7 5.7: I would play it, but there's some bug while changing between Bfme Original and Elvenstar Mod. If you change it to Bfme Original you don't see the Cita anymore and the game's getting Out of Synch when any player send any unit in the citadel, because with the Mod you can't get in the Cita. Anyways, the mod without bugs would be great fun. I have the Mod 5.7 for you to download.
I don't know if the Mod is German or not. This post has been edited by SunShineDream: Sep 7 2008, 21:29 PM.